The analytics tool in the Partner Hub has been upgraded. You can enjoy greater flexibility on live insights, compare key metrics, and review how your business is performing.
Filter timelines
You can use the date filter to see data from yesterday up to the last 90 days. Please note that data from yesterday can be delayed up to 12 hours.
You can get an overview of your business insights with key metrics like Total revenue, Average Order Value and Cancellation rate.
See and compare your order performance split by successful and cancelled orders.
Order types
See the distribution of your successful orders for both pickup and delivery.
Average order value
See and compare your overall average order value.
See and compare your total revenue profit and total revenue loss.
Payment type
See how your customers paid for their orders.
Hourly insights
View a breakdown of orders and revenue throughout the day. You can use this data to adjust your opening hours.
See how you’re performing on the Partner Hub today.